Name | Hon'ble Mr. Justice Vijai Kumar Bist |
Date of Birth | 17/09/1957 |
Initial Joining | 01/11/2008 |
Joining at Sikkim | 30/10/2018. |
Served at Sikkim Upto | 16/09/2019. |
Duration | 10 months and 18 days. |
- Hon'ble Mr. Justice V.K. Bist: Born on 17th September 1957 at Lansdown, District Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand.
- Early education from Intermediate College Kanskhet, Pauri Garhwal. Completed Law Degreee from Allahabad University.
- Enrolled as an Advocate with the Bar Council of Uttar Pradesh in 1984 and started practicing in various segments of litigations and till first week of November 2000 continued practicing at Allahabad High Court.
- Initially worked under the guidance of Shri S.P. Gupta, Senior Advocate.
- During the period at Allahabad remained Legal Advisor and Standing Counsel/ Panel Advocate of various esteemed institutions i.e. Allahabad University, U.P. Higher Secondary Education, Northern/North Eastern Railway, U.P. Land Development Corporation, U.P. Co-operative Housing Federation, Ghaziabad Development Authority etc.
- After creation of Uttarakhand High Court His Lordship shifted to Nainital and practiced at Uttarakhand High Court.
- At the Uttarakhand High Court, His Lordship was Standing Counsel of Northern and North Eastern Railway, Uttarakhand Forest Development Corporation, Uttarakhand School Education Board and Uttarakhand Co-operative Federation. Also worked as Senior Panel Counsel, Uattarakhand High Court.
- On 1st July 2004 His Lordship was designated as Senior Advocate.
- On November 1, 2008 was elevated as Judge of the Uttarakhand High Court.
- His Lordship was administered the oath of the office of the Hon’ble Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim in the forenoon of 30.10.2018.
- Retired on 16-09-2019.