Advertisement/Notice Ref No: 01/SC/21 dated 25.11.2021 Advertisement/Notice Ref No: 01/SC/21 dated 25.11.2021
Sikkim Judicial Academy : Rectified list of accepted applicants for 14(fourteen) posts Sikkim Judicial Academy : Rectified list of accepted applicants for 14(fourteen) posts
Sikkim Judicial Academy : Revised list including the names of the accepted applicants and the new accepted applicants for 8(eight) posts Sikkim Judicial Academy : Revised list including the names of the accepted applicants and the new accepted applicants for 8(eight) posts
Sikkim Judicial Academy : New accepted list of applicants for 8(eight) posts Sikkim Judicial Academy : New accepted list of applicants for 8(eight) posts
Sikkim Judicial Academy: Notice - The date of display of the syllabus for the Software Programmer and Hardware/Network Engineer which was to on 30.11.2021 (Tuesday) has now been rescheduled to 20.12.2021 (Monday) Sikkim Judicial Academy: Notice - The date of display of the syllabus for the Software Programmer and Hardware/Network Engineer which was to on 30.11.2021 (Tuesday) has now been rescheduled to 20.12.2021 (Monday)