Office Order No. 367/Confdl./HCS, dated 12.11.2024 - Regarding transfers and postings of Judicial Officers in the cadre of Sikkim Superior Judicial Service w.e.f. 1st December, 2024 Office Order No. 367/Confdl./HCS, dated 12.11.2024 - Regarding transfers and postings of Judicial Officers in the cadre of Sikkim Superior Judicial Service w.e.f. 1st December, 2024
Gazette No 518, dated 09.12.2024 - the Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim is hereby pleased to enhance the age of retirement on superannuation of High Court officers and employee from 58 years to 60 years. Read more about Gazette No 518, dated 09.12.2024 - the Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim is hereby pleased to enhance the age of retirement on superannuation of High Court officers and employee from 58 years to 60 years.
Regarding downtime of e-Filing,faster and NSTEP portal for maintenance activity Regarding downtime of e-Filing,faster and NSTEP portal for maintenance activity
Notification No. 56/ESTT./HCS, dated 11.11.2024 - Syllabus for the vacant posts of Assistant Registrar (I.T.) (01 no.) and System Officer (01 no.) advertised vide Employment Notice No. 15/ESTT/HCS dated 03.10.2023. Notification No. 56/ESTT./HCS, dated 11.11.2024 - Syllabus for the vacant posts of Assistant Registrar (I.T.) (01 no.) and System Officer (01 no.) advertised vide Employment Notice No. 15/ESTT/HCS dated 03.10.2023.
Quarterly Statement Showing the Case Clearance Rate of the High Court of Sikkim and Subordinate Courts for Sept,2024 Read more about Quarterly Statement Showing the Case Clearance Rate of the High Court of Sikkim and Subordinate Courts for Sept,2024
Notice No. 55/HCS, dated 30.10.2024 - The final merit/selection list of candidates selected for appointment against eight(08) vacant posts of Civil Judge-cum-Judicial Magistrate(Grade_III) in the cadre of Sikkim Judicial Service Notice No. 55/HCS, dated 30.10.2024 - The final merit/selection list of candidates selected for appointment against eight(08) vacant posts of Civil Judge-cum-Judicial Magistrate(Grade_III) in the cadre of Sikkim Judicial Service
Employment Notice No. 54/ESTT./HCS, dated 30.10.2024 - Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up of 02 (two) posts of Translator-cum-Typist in the Establishment of the High Court of Sikkim Employment Notice No. 54/ESTT./HCS, dated 30.10.2024 - Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up of 02 (two) posts of Translator-cum-Typist in the Establishment of the High Court of Sikkim
Rejected List of applications for the post of Lower Division Assistant-cum-Typist Rejected List of applications for the post of Lower Division Assistant-cum-Typist