Office Order No. 396/HCS dated 05.12.2024 - Mr. Jiwan Kumar Kharka, District & Sessions Judge is directed to hold additional Court of District & Session Judge, Soreng twice a month Office Order No. 396/HCS dated 05.12.2024 - Mr. Jiwan Kumar Kharka, District & Sessions Judge is directed to hold additional Court of District & Session Judge, Soreng twice a month
Employment Notice No. 58/ESTT/HCS dated 05.12.2024 - Applications are invited from candidates to fill the vacant posts of Housekeeping staff/Housekeeper (Group 'C') (Level-7) in the Establishment of High Court of Sikkim Employment Notice No. 58/ESTT/HCS dated 05.12.2024 - Applications are invited from candidates to fill the vacant posts of Housekeeping staff/Housekeeper (Group 'C') (Level-7) in the Establishment of High Court of Sikkim
Notification No. 51/HCS dated 05.12.2024 - Creation of 1 (one) additional post of Housekeeping staff/ Housekeeper(Group 'C') (Level 7 ) in the Establishment of High Court of Sikkim Notification No. 51/HCS dated 05.12.2024 - Creation of 1 (one) additional post of Housekeeping staff/ Housekeeper(Group 'C') (Level 7 ) in the Establishment of High Court of Sikkim
Notification No. 50/HCS dated 04.12.2024 - Amendment in the Sikkim High Court Computer Cadre Service Rules, 2013 Notification No. 50/HCS dated 04.12.2024 - Amendment in the Sikkim High Court Computer Cadre Service Rules, 2013
Notification No. 49/HCS, dated 03.12.2024-The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim, has been pleased to create one(01) post of Housekeeping Staff/Housekeeper (Group 'C')(Level 7) in the Establishment of High Court of Sikkim. Notification No. 49/HCS, dated 03.12.2024-The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim, has been pleased to create one(01) post of Housekeeping Staff/Housekeeper (Group 'C')(Level 7) in the Establishment of High Court of Sikkim.
Monthly statement regarding orders received through FASTER System from the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India for the month of October,2024.. Read more about Monthly statement regarding orders received through FASTER System from the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India for the month of October,2024..