Notification No. 67/HCS, dated 26.02.2025-The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim, has been pleased to create one(01) regular post of Curator (Group 'C') (Level-7) for the Sikkim High Court Museum Notification No. 67/HCS, dated 26.02.2025-The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim, has been pleased to create one(01) regular post of Curator (Group 'C') (Level-7) for the Sikkim High Court Museum
Notification No. 68/HCS, dated 26.02.2025- The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim, has been pleased to create three(03) regular posts of Driver (Group 'C') (Level-6) in the Establishment of High Court of Sikkim. Notification No. 68/HCS, dated 26.02.2025- The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim, has been pleased to create three(03) regular posts of Driver (Group 'C') (Level-6) in the Establishment of High Court of Sikkim.
Notification No. 66/ESTT./HCS, dated 25.02.2025 - The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim, is hereby pleased to nominate and include Joint Registrar (IT), High Court of Sikkim, as a member of Selection Committee Notification No. 66/ESTT./HCS, dated 25.02.2025 - The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim, is hereby pleased to nominate and include Joint Registrar (IT), High Court of Sikkim, as a member of Selection Committee
Office Order No. 192/COMP/HCS/496, dated 25.02.2025 - Regarding Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Testing and Maintenance of Sound Systems for the purpose of Live Streaming at the High Court and District Courts of Sikkim. Office Order No. 192/COMP/HCS/496, dated 25.02.2025 - Regarding Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Testing and Maintenance of Sound Systems for the purpose of Live Streaming at the High Court and District Courts of Sikkim.
Accepted List of applications for the post of Court Officer Accepted List of applications for the post of Court Officer
Notice No. 72/ESTT/HCS, dated 25.02.2025 - The date, time and venue of written examination for 01(one) vacant post of Court Officer under the High Court of Sikkim advertised vide Employment Notice No. 59/ESTT./HCS dated 05.12.2024 Notice No. 72/ESTT/HCS, dated 25.02.2025 - The date, time and venue of written examination for 01(one) vacant post of Court Officer under the High Court of Sikkim advertised vide Employment Notice No. 59/ESTT./HCS dated 05.12.2024
Office Order No 466/ESTT./HCS Dated: 24/02/2025 -Mr. Sujeet Pradhan, Assistant Registrar, High Court of Sikkim is designated as Staff Officer -II to the Registrar General. Office Order No 466/ESTT./HCS Dated: 24/02/2025 -Mr. Sujeet Pradhan, Assistant Registrar, High Court of Sikkim is designated as Staff Officer -II to the Registrar General.