Circular No. 21/HCS dated 18.02.2025-The Additional Registrar-cum-Private Secretary to Hon'ble Judge-I and Deputy Registrar-cum-Private Secretary to Hon'ble Judge-II, shall receive and see-off the Hon'ble Judges on arrival and departure. Circular No. 21/HCS dated 18.02.2025-The Additional Registrar-cum-Private Secretary to Hon'ble Judge-I and Deputy Registrar-cum-Private Secretary to Hon'ble Judge-II, shall receive and see-off the Hon'ble Judges on arrival and departure.
Notification No. 461/HCS, dated 18.02.2025 - Regarding change in nomenclature 'Housekeeping staff/Housekeeper' to 'Supervisor'(Housekeeping & Maintenance). Notification No. 461/HCS, dated 18.02.2025 - Regarding change in nomenclature 'Housekeeping staff/Housekeeper' to 'Supervisor'(Housekeeping & Maintenance).
Employment Notice No. 190/HCS/COMP/494 dated 17.02.2025 filling up the 02 temporary posts in the Establishment of High Court of Sikkim under eCourts Project Phase III on purely contractual basis. Employment Notice No. 190/HCS/COMP/494 dated 17.02.2025 filling up the 02 temporary posts in the Establishment of High Court of Sikkim under eCourts Project Phase III on purely contractual basis.
Notice No. 67/HCS/COMP, dated 13.02.2025 - Regarding invitation to bid opening Notice No. 67/HCS/COMP, dated 13.02.2025 - Regarding invitation to bid opening
Monthly statement regarding orders received through FASTER System from the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India for the month of January, 2025 Read more about Monthly statement regarding orders received through FASTER System from the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India for the month of January, 2025
Office Order No. 173/COMP/HCS/487, dated 06.02.2025 - Permit to carry out the work with regard to Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Testing and Maintenance of high-performance Servers and other networking items to be installed at High Court of Sikkim. Office Order No. 173/COMP/HCS/487, dated 06.02.2025 - Permit to carry out the work with regard to Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Testing and Maintenance of high-performance Servers and other networking items to be installed at High Court of Sikkim.