Circular No. 25/GEN/HCS dated 27.03.2025 - Regarding the Uniform/Dress Code of the Male Employees Circular No. 25/GEN/HCS dated 27.03.2025 - Regarding the Uniform/Dress Code of the Male Employees
Employment Notice dated 25.03.2025 for filling up the Post of Stenographer Grade-I in the Establishment of the High Court of Sikkim. Employment Notice dated 25.03.2025 for filling up the Post of Stenographer Grade-I in the Establishment of the High Court of Sikkim.
Notification No. 77/ESTT./HCS, dated 20.03.2025 - The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, has been pleased to upgrade two(02) posts of Software Programmer in the Sikkim High Court Computer Cadre to that of Assistant Registrar(IT) and Senior System Officer. Notification No. 77/ESTT./HCS, dated 20.03.2025 - The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, has been pleased to upgrade two(02) posts of Software Programmer in the Sikkim High Court Computer Cadre to that of Assistant Registrar(IT) and Senior System Officer.