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High Court of Sikkim
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Committee to revisit the entire Rules and to recommend necessary amendments of the Sikkim Subordinate Courts Case Flow Management Rules, 2006

Submitted by drupal on Wed, 07/12/2017 - 15:02
Sl No.  Committee to revisit the entire Rules and to recommend necessary amendments of the Sikkim Subordinate Courts Case Flow Management Rules, 2006 Members  
1 Hon’ble Mrs. Justice Meenakshi Madan Rai 

Rules Committee for examining High Court Rules as well as Rules for proper management and preservation of disposal of records for the High Court as well as subordinate Courts

Submitted by drupal on Wed, 07/12/2017 - 14:54
Sl No.  Rules Committee for examining High Court Rules as well as Rules
for proper management and preservation of disposal of records
for the High Court as well as subordinate Courts
1 Hon’ble Mrs. Justice Meenakshi Madan Rai
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