Notice No. 08/ESTT./HCS dated 18.04.2024 - Syllabus for the posts of Stenographer Grade III, Upper Division Assistant , Data Entry Operator-cum-Clerk and Data Entry Operator-cum- Accounts Clerk Notice No. 08/ESTT./HCS dated 18.04.2024 - Syllabus for the posts of Stenographer Grade III, Upper Division Assistant , Data Entry Operator-cum-Clerk and Data Entry Operator-cum- Accounts Clerk
Notice No. 07/ESTT/HCS dated 16.04.2024 regarding interview dates for the post of Peon and Sweeper-cum-Peon Notice No. 07/ESTT/HCS dated 16.04.2024 regarding interview dates for the post of Peon and Sweeper-cum-Peon
Notification No. 10/HCS dated 12.03.2024- Constitution of "Selection Committee" for Pakyong and Soreng Districts Notification No. 10/HCS dated 12.03.2024- Constitution of "Selection Committee" for Pakyong and Soreng Districts
Notification No. 09/HCS dated 12.04.2024-Substitution of nomenclature of the "Selection Committees" Notification No. 09/HCS dated 12.04.2024-Substitution of nomenclature of the "Selection Committees"
Notification No. 08/HCS dated 12.04.2024 regarding Special (Monsoon) Vacation for the Subordinate Courts of Sikkim Notification No. 08/HCS dated 12.04.2024 regarding Special (Monsoon) Vacation for the Subordinate Courts of Sikkim
Notification NO. 07/HCS dated 12.04.2024 regarding holiday on poll date 19.04.2024 for general election to the Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assembly of Sikkim Notification NO. 07/HCS dated 12.04.2024 regarding holiday on poll date 19.04.2024 for general election to the Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assembly of Sikkim
Notice No. 05/ESTT./HCS dated 12.04.2024 regarding dates of written examinations for the posts of Joint Registrar-cum-Senior Judgment Writer, Stenographer(Gr-III), UDA, DEO-cum-Clerk and DEO-cum-Accounts Clerk Notice No. 05/ESTT./HCS dated 12.04.2024 regarding dates of written examinations for the posts of Joint Registrar-cum-Senior Judgment Writer, Stenographer(Gr-III), UDA, DEO-cum-Clerk and DEO-cum-Accounts Clerk
Notice No.:06/ESTT./HCS dated 12.04.2024 regarding dates of interview for the posts of Peon and Sweeper-cum-Peon Notice No.:06/ESTT./HCS dated 12.04.2024 regarding dates of interview for the posts of Peon and Sweeper-cum-Peon