Notice No. 78/ESTT/HCS, dated 12.03.2025- Syllabus for the post of Court Officer advertised vide Employment Notice No. 59/ESTT./HCS dated 05.12.2024. Notice No. 78/ESTT/HCS, dated 12.03.2025- Syllabus for the post of Court Officer advertised vide Employment Notice No. 59/ESTT./HCS dated 05.12.2024.
Office Order No. 192/COMP/HCS/493, dated 12.03.2025- Permission to carry out the work with regard to Supply and Maintenance of 04 (four) ATEM Mini Extreme to be installed at High Court of Sikkim Office Order No. 192/COMP/HCS/493, dated 12.03.2025- Permission to carry out the work with regard to Supply and Maintenance of 04 (four) ATEM Mini Extreme to be installed at High Court of Sikkim
Notification No. 170/HCS/COMP/75, dated 12.03.2025- The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, is pleased to constitute the Governance Structure for implementation of e-Office System in the High Court under eCourts Project Phase III Notification No. 170/HCS/COMP/75, dated 12.03.2025- The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, is pleased to constitute the Governance Structure for implementation of e-Office System in the High Court under eCourts Project Phase III
Officer Order No. 490/Confdl./HCS, dated 07.03.2025 - Mr. Sayshay Hang Subba (Limboo), Civil Judge-cum-Judicial Magistrate, Yangyang Sub-Division, Namchi is directed to hold additional charge of Court of Civil Judge-cum-Judicial Magistrate, Soreng Officer Order No. 490/Confdl./HCS, dated 07.03.2025 - Mr. Sayshay Hang Subba (Limboo), Civil Judge-cum-Judicial Magistrate, Yangyang Sub-Division, Namchi is directed to hold additional charge of Court of Civil Judge-cum-Judicial Magistrate, Soreng
Office Order No. 489/Confdl./HCS, dated 07.03.2025 - The Hon'ble High Court of Sikkim has been pleased to make the following transfer with immediate effect. Office Order No. 489/Confdl./HCS, dated 07.03.2025 - The Hon'ble High Court of Sikkim has been pleased to make the following transfer with immediate effect.
Office Order No. 488/Confdl./HCS, dated 07.03.2025 - Mr. Ashwin Upreti, Civil Judge-cum-Judicial Magistrate is hereby posted as Civil Judge-cum-Judicial Magistrate, at Rongli Sub-Division, Pakyong Office Order No. 488/Confdl./HCS, dated 07.03.2025 - Mr. Ashwin Upreti, Civil Judge-cum-Judicial Magistrate is hereby posted as Civil Judge-cum-Judicial Magistrate, at Rongli Sub-Division, Pakyong