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High Court of Sikkim
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  • New Employment Notice No. 24/ESTT./HCS dated 13.07.2024 - Applications are invited for the post of Librarian in the Establishment of High Court of Sikkim View
  • New Notice No. 23/ESTT./HCS dated 10.07.2024 regarding the Interview dates for the post of Office Attendant View
  • New Rejected List of candidates for the post of Office Attendant View
  • New Accepted List of candidates for the post of Office Attendant View
  • New Circular No. 11/COMP/HCS, dated 08.07.2024 - Migration of e-Filing to 3.0 version View
  • New Notification No. 32/Judl/HCS, dated 08.07.2024- Regarding Vacation Court during the Special (Monsoon) Vacation. View
  • New Notice No. 22/ESTT/HCS, dated 08.07.2024 - Merit list of Protocol-cum-Liaison Officers in the Sikkim High Court (on purely contractual/temporary basis) View
  • New Notice No. 20/ESTT/HCS, dated 06.07.2024- Qualified lists of candidates for the viva-voce/interview for the post of Joint Registrar-cum-Senior Judgment Writer on 12.08.2024. View
  • New Notice No. 21/ESTT/HCS, dated 06.07.2024- Qualified lists of candidates for the viva-voce/interview for the post of Stenographer Grade-III, Data Entry Operator-cum-Clerk and Data Entry Operator-cum-Accounts Clerk on 30.07.2024. View
  • New Notification No. 20/ESTT/HCS dated 3.07.2024 - Merit List of Office Attendant and Sweeper-cum-Office Attendant View
  • New Notification No. 30/HCS, dated 02.07.2024-In partial supersession of the Notification No.63/HCS dated 20.02.2024. View
  • WALK-IN-INTERVIEW- Notice dated 03.07.2024 for Protocol-Cum-Liaison Officer of the Sikkim High Court View
  • New Notification No. 161/HCS, dated 02.07.2024- Regarding enhancement of the age of retirement. View
  • New Notification No. 29/HCS, dated 02.07.2024- Regarding medical facilities to the employees (serving and retired) and their dependents in the Establishment of the High Court of Sikkim. View
  • New Circular dated18.06.2024- Inviting applications for filing up the post of Court Master (Shorthand) in Level-11 on deputation basis in Supreme Court. View