Regarding the written examination for the post of Assistant Registrar (IT) and System Officer under the High Court of Sikkim as advertised vide Employment Notice No. 15/ESTT./HCS dated 03.10.2023
With reference to the Employment Notice (Walk-In Interview) No. 190/HCS/COMP/494 dated 17.02.2025, it is hereby notified to all applicant that interview/ viva voce is scheduled for 05.04.2025
The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice is pleased to constitute a Selection Committee for recruitment to the 02(two) temporary posts of Live Streaming Coordinators under eCourts Project Phase III
The final merit/selection list panels of candidates selected for appointment against four(04) vacant posts of Junior Translator (Nepali/Bhutia/Lepcha/Limboo) (Level-10) (Group'C') in the High Court of Sikkim
The final merit/selection list panel of candidates selected for appointment against one(01) vacant post of Librarian(Level-12) (Group C) in the Establishment of High Court of Sikkim
The date, time and venue of written examination for 01(one) vacant post of Court Officer under the High Court of Sikkim advertised vide Employment Notice No. 59/ESTT./HCS dated 05.12.2024
List of Candidates who have qualified to appear in the viva-voce/interview for the post of Junior Translator (Nepali), Junior Translator (Bhutia), Junior Translator (Lepcha) and Junior Translator (Limboo)
Hon'ble the Chief Justice has been pleased to constitute a Selection Committee for recruitment to the vacant posts of Housekeeping staff/Housekeeper 02(two), in the Establishment of the High Court of Sikkim.
Regarding the candidates selected in order of merit as against the 02(two) posts of Housekeeping staff/Housekeeper in the Establishment of High Court of Sikkim on the basis of interview.
Regarding the candidate selected in order of merit as against 01(one) vacant post of Law Clerk-cum-Legal Research Assistant in the Establishment of High Court of Sikkim on the basis of viva-voce examination.
All the applicants whose names appear in the accepted list for the post of Law Clerk-cum-Legal Research Assistant are to appear for the interview/viva voce scheduled to be held on 13.12.2024 from 10 am onwards.
Applications are invited from candidates to fill the vacant posts of Housekeeping staff/Housekeeper (Group 'C') (Level-7) in the Establishment of High Court of Sikkim
The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim, has been pleased to create one(01) post of Housekeeping Staff/Housekeeper (Group 'C')(Level 7) in the Establishment of High Court of Sikkim.
All jurisdictions within the State of Sikkim, which falls under authority of the Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim, shall immediately create the posts of Electrician and Plumber
Syllabus for the vacant posts of Assistant Registrar (I.T.) (01 no.) and System Officer (01 no.) advertised vide Employment Notice No. 15/ESTT/HCS dated 03.10.2023
The final merit/selection list of candidates selected for appointment against eight(08) vacant posts of Civil Judge-cum-Judicial Magistrate(Grade_III) in the cadre of Sikkim Judicial Service
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up of 02 (two) posts of Translator-cum-Typist in the Establishment of the High Court of Sikkim