The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, is pleased to constitute the Governance Structure for implementation of e-Office System in the High Court under eCourts Project Phase III
The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice has been pleased to nominate the following Officers as the Nodal Officer for the respective courts in pursuance to the judgment dated 15.01.2025
The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice has been pleased to constitute a Committee to oversee the direction passed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in pursuance to the judgment dated 15.01.2025
The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim, is hereby pleased to nominate and include Joint Registrar (IT), High Court of Sikkim, as a member of Selection Committee
The Hon'ble the Chief Justice has been pleased to constitute the following Committees at the District Level, pursuant to the resolution passed in agenda item No 2(d) of the Chief Justice's Conference, 2016
re-constitution of Committee to examine the performance and fitness of the Non-Gazetted employees of the High Court of Sikkim, to continue in service beyond the age of 50 years.
Constitution of District Court Level Accessibility Committee in terms of the Standard Operating Procedure on Accessible Courts Documents circulated by the eCommittee, Supreme Court of India
Constitution of High Court Level Accessibility Committee in terms of the Standard Operating Procedure on Accessible Courts Documents circulated by the eCommittee, Supreme Court of India
Regarding constitution of Committee for the purpose of formulating, examining & reviewing the rules governing the service conditions of the High Court employees
Committee for the purpose of examing and pursuing the pending proposals and recommendations for creation of various post made by so far by the High Court of Sikkim to the State Government and by the District Courts to the High Court
Nomination of CPC as a member of the Committee to re-visit all High Court Rules and Rules for proper management and preservation of disposed of records for High Court and Subordinate Courts
Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim is hereby pleased to change the nomenclature of Mediation Monitoring Committee of Sikkim to the Mediation and Conciliation Committee.