The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, has been pleased to upgrade two(02) posts of Software Programmer in the Sikkim High Court Computer Cadre to that of Assistant Registrar(IT) and Senior System Officer.
Regarding the written examination for the post of Assistant Registrar (IT) and System Officer under the High Court of Sikkim as advertised vide Employment Notice No. 15/ESTT./HCS dated 03.10.2023
With reference to the Employment Notice (Walk-In Interview) No. 190/HCS/COMP/494 dated 17.02.2025, it is hereby notified to all applicant that interview/ viva voce is scheduled for 05.04.2025
The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, is pleased to constitute the Governance Structure for implementation of e-Office System in the High Court under eCourts Project Phase III
Mr. Sayshay Hang Subba (Limboo), Civil Judge-cum-Judicial Magistrate, Yangyang Sub-Division, Namchi is directed to hold additional charge of Court of Civil Judge-cum-Judicial Magistrate, Soreng
The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice has been pleased to nominate the following Officers as the Nodal Officer for the respective courts in pursuance to the judgment dated 15.01.2025
The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice has been pleased to constitute a Committee to oversee the direction passed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in pursuance to the judgment dated 15.01.2025
The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice is pleased to constitute a Selection Committee for recruitment to the 02(two) temporary posts of Live Streaming Coordinators under eCourts Project Phase III
The final merit/selection list panels of candidates selected for appointment against four(04) vacant posts of Junior Translator (Nepali/Bhutia/Lepcha/Limboo) (Level-10) (Group'C') in the High Court of Sikkim
The final merit/selection list panel of candidates selected for appointment against one(01) vacant post of Librarian(Level-12) (Group C) in the Establishment of High Court of Sikkim
Regarding Supply and Maintenance of 13 units of Wacom touch screen display to be installed at Court Rooms of High Court and Subordinate Courts of Sikkim.
The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim, has been pleased to create one(01) regular post of Curator (Group 'C') (Level-7) for the Sikkim High Court Museum
The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim, has been pleased to create three(03) regular posts of Driver (Group 'C') (Level-6) in the Establishment of High Court of Sikkim.
The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim, is hereby pleased to nominate and include Joint Registrar (IT), High Court of Sikkim, as a member of Selection Committee
Regarding Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Testing and Maintenance of Sound Systems for the purpose of Live Streaming at the High Court and District Courts of Sikkim.