Regarding Supply and Maintenance of 13 units of Wacom touch screen display to be installed at Court Rooms of High Court and Subordinate Courts of Sikkim.
The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim, has been pleased to create one(01) regular post of Curator (Group 'C') (Level-7) for the Sikkim High Court Museum
The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim, has been pleased to create three(03) regular posts of Driver (Group 'C') (Level-6) in the Establishment of High Court of Sikkim.
The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim, is hereby pleased to nominate and include Joint Registrar (IT), High Court of Sikkim, as a member of Selection Committee
Regarding Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Testing and Maintenance of Sound Systems for the purpose of Live Streaming at the High Court and District Courts of Sikkim.
The date, time and venue of written examination for 01(one) vacant post of Court Officer under the High Court of Sikkim advertised vide Employment Notice No. 59/ESTT./HCS dated 05.12.2024
List of Candidates who have qualified to appear in the viva-voce/interview for the post of Junior Translator (Nepali), Junior Translator (Bhutia), Junior Translator (Lepcha) and Junior Translator (Limboo)
The Additional Registrar-cum-Private Secretary to Hon'ble Judge-I and Deputy Registrar-cum-Private Secretary to Hon'ble Judge-II, shall receive and see-off the Hon'ble Judges on arrival and departure.
Permit to carry out the work with regard to Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Testing and Maintenance of high-performance Servers and other networking items to be installed at High Court of Sikkim.
Hon'ble the Chief Justice has been pleased to constitute a Selection Committee for recruitment to the vacant posts of Housekeeping staff/Housekeeper 02(two), in the Establishment of the High Court of Sikkim.
Regarding the candidates selected in order of merit as against the 02(two) posts of Housekeeping staff/Housekeeper in the Establishment of High Court of Sikkim on the basis of interview.
The Hon'ble, the Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim, has been pleased to create two(02) permanent post of Protocol-cum-Liaison Officers (Group C) (Level -7) in the Establishment of High Court of Sikkim.
Regarding the candidate selected in order of merit as against 01(one) vacant post of Law Clerk-cum-Legal Research Assistant in the Establishment of High Court of Sikkim on the basis of viva-voce examination.
Roster arrangment for Judicial Officers in the District Judiciary under the High Court of Sikkim during the ensuing Winter Vacation in the month of January,2025.
No "N.O.C" is required for any employee engaged by this Court, purely on a contractual/temporary/ad-hoc basis, and no permanent employee of this Court requires to furnish a "N.O.C".
General information that the days enumerated here shall be observed as holidays and vacations by the District Judiciary of Sikkim during the year, 2025.