Candidates shall collect the admit card for the post of Civil Judge - cum - Judicial Magistrate from the examination centre i.e. Sokeythang, Gangtok before 9:30 am of 23.04.2024
Regarding dates of written examinations for the posts of Joint Registrar-cum-Senior Judgment Writer, Stenographer(Gr-III), UDA, DEO-cum-Clerk and DEO-cum-Accounts Clerk
Accepted and Rejected List of Candidates who have applied for the post of Civil Judge-cum-Judicial Magistrate (Grade-III) in the cadre of Sikkim Judicial Service (2023)
Clarification w.r.t. to the stage of evaluation of the minimum speed in shorthand and typing of candidates applying for the posts of Stenographer in the High Court and District Courts
Reference to the Employment Notice No. 78/COMP./HCS dated 08.03.2022-Candidates bearing Roll numbers mentioned hereunder are declared qualified to appear for viva-voce/interview,as per the following schedule.
Dates for written examinations for the 04(four) vacant posts of Civil Judge cum-Judicial Magistrate(Grade-Ill) in the cadre of Sikkim Judicial Service(2022) notified vide Employment Notice dated 08.09.2022
Application are invited for eligible candidates for filling up of the post of Joint Registrar-cum-Senior Judgment Writer in the Establishment of High Court of Sikkim
Final Selection Process (Interview) for being engaged as Nepali Translator (on purely contractual/ temporary basis) for translating Supreme Court Judgments
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up four (04) posts of Civil Judge-cum-Judicial Magistrate (Grade- III), in the cadre of Sikkim Judicial Service (Employment Notice-2023)