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High Court of Sikkim
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Date Number Title View
Sikkim Judicial Academy : Rectified list of accepted applicants for 14(fourteen) posts View
Sikkim Judicial Academy : Revised list including the names of the accepted applicants and the new accepted applicants for 8(eight) posts View
Sikkim Judicial Academy : New accepted list of applicants for 8(eight) posts View
Notice No. 65/Judl/HCS Roster for the determination of the Division Benches and Single Benches of the High Court of Bench View
Notice Sikkim Judicial Academy: Notice - The date of display of the syllabus for the Software Programmer and Hardware/Network Engineer which was to on 30.11.2021 (Tuesday) has now been re­scheduled to 20.12.2021 (Monday) View
Accepted List of Candidates for the post of Assistant Librarian View
Accepted List of Candidates for the post of Lineman View
Accepted List of Candidates for the post of Book Binder View
Accepted List of Candidates for the post of Chowkidar View
Accepted List of Candidates for the post of Mali View
Accepted List of Candidates for the post of Head Assistant View
Accepted List of Candidates for the post of LDA View
Accepted List of Candidates for the post of Personal Assistant, Grade II Stenographer View
Accepted List of Candidates for the post of Driver View
Accepted List of Candidates for the post of Hardware/Network Engineer View
Accepted List of Candidates for the post of Peon View
Accepted List of Candidates for the post of Sweeper View
Accepted List of Candidates for the post of Accounts Clerk View
Accepted List of Candidates for the post of Software Programmer View
Notice No. 60 Judl./HCS Roster for the High Court of Sikkim considering the present situation of the Corona Virus (COVID-19) cases, w.e.f 1st December, 2021 View
Office Order No 10/Confdl/HCS Mr. Prajwal Khatiwada, District and Session Judge, East Sikkim at Gangtok, in addition to his regular duty, shall assume the responsibility of being the Officer on Special Duty(OSD) attached to the Hon'ble, the Chief Justice of Sikkim with effect from 18th November 2021 View
Notification No. 58/HCS Extension of the term of appointment of the Advocates as Oath Commissioners for the North District, for a term of teo years e.f 17.11.2021 o 18.11.2023 View
Circular. No.56/Judl./HCS Office Order No. 162/Judl./HCS dated 19.08.2021 pertaining to listing of cases challenging vires of Statutes/Rules/Notifivation to be heard by a Division Bench is revoked with immediate effect View
Notification No. 55/Judl./HCS Full physical functioning of High Court of Sikkim w.e.f 15.11.2021 View
Circular No. 20/Confdl./HCS Full physical functioning of all the Subordinate Courts w.e.f 15.11.2021 View
Notification No. 54 Judl.HCS Working hours ofthe High Court of Sikkim with effect from 1st November 2021 View
Corrigendum regarding post of Sikkim Judicial Academy View
Notification No. 52/HCS Constitute the Internal Complaints Committee in terms of Section 4 of the Sexual Harassment at Workplace View
Notification No. 51/HCS Re-constitute the Internal Complaints Committee in terms of the High Court of Sikkim (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Regulation, 2013 View
Notification No. 50/HCS Hon'ble Mr. Justice Biswanath Somadder, Chief Justice of the Meghalaya High Court took Oath of Office as Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim on 12.10.2021 at 4:30 p.m and has assumed charge of the Office of the Chief Justice , High Court of Sikkim View