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High Court of Sikkim
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Date Number Title View
Circular No. 16/ConfdL/HCS Circular on COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus View
Residential Orderly (Sevak/Cook) shortlisted candidates View
Peon shortlisted candidates View
Bus Driver shortlisted candidate View
Notification No. 33/Estt./HCS Continuation to Employment Notice No. 57/ESTT./HCS dated 23.10.2019, for Driving Test/Practical/ Interview, View
Notification No. 30/HCS Re-constitute the Selection Committee of the Sikkim Subordinate Courts' Service(Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2001 View
Office Order No. 268/Confdl/HCS Transfer and Postings of Judicial Officers in cadre of Sikkim Superior Judicial Service and Sikkim Judicial Service View
Notice No. 5691/HCS MAC Appeal No. 10 of 2018 has been referred to the Division Bench and is listed for hearing 03.05.2021 View
Circular No. 15/HCS In cases registered under Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 age of the victim is mandatorily recorded View
Notification No. 10/HCS Report for the period of six month (July 2020- December, 2020) on CCTV cameras View
Notification No. 27/HCS Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jitendra Kumar Maheshwari, Chief Justice of the Andhra Pradesh High Court has taken Oath of Office as Chief Justice , High Court of Sikkim on 06.01.2021 View
Notification No. 26/HCS/Judl. Since the High Court of Sikkim do not have ordinary civil jurisdiction as required under Section 4(1) of the Commercial Courts Act, 2015, Notification No. 25/HCS/Judl. dated 17.08.2016 is hereby revoked View
Circular No. 12/HCS/Judl. All matters of the Commercial Appellate Division involving commercial disputes over 500 crores will be listed for hearing before Division Bench -I View
High Court and Subordinate Calendar 2021 View
Notification No. 25 Judl/HCS Vacation Court during the ensuing Lossong, Christmas and Winter Vacation commencing from 15.12.2020 to 20.02.2021 View
Notification No 24/HCS Designation of Mr. Vivek Kholi as Senior Advocate View
Notification No. 21/HCS Extension of the term of appointment of the Advocates as Oath Commissioners for the Soreng, West District, for a term of two years View
Notification No. 20/HCS Oath Commissioner for West Sikkim for a term of 02(two) years. View
Notification No. 18/Confdl/HCS Holidays & Vacations for the Subordinate Courts of Sikkim during the year 2021 View
Notification No 19/Confdl./HCS Holidays & Vacations for the High Courts of Sikkim during the year 2021 View
Notification No. 17/Confdl./HCS High Court of Sikkim and all the Subordinate Courts of Sikkim shall remain closed on 10.11.2020 View
Cirular No.09/JUDL./HCS Use of A4 size paper View
Circular No. 08/Confdl/HCS The High Court will remain closed w.e.f 9th to 11th September 2020. View
Office Order No. 99/HCS Ms. Bebika Chettri shall hold the proceeding of Juvenile Justice Board, North at Mangan View
Notification No. 1360/HCS Constitution of Artificial Intelligence Committee, High Court of Sikkim View
Notification No 1360/HCS Artificial Intelligence Committee of the High Court of Sikkim View
Notification No. 9/HCS Rules for Online Electronic Filing (E-FILING) 2020 View
Circular No. 07/Confdl/HCS Circular on COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus view
Circular No. 06/Confdl/HCS Circular on COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus view
Circular No. 05/Confdl/HCS Novel Coronavirus View