Name | Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jitendra Kumar Maheshwari |
Date of Birth | 29/06/1961 |
Initial Joining | 25/11/2005 |
Joining at Sikkim | 06/01/2021 |
Served at Sikkim Upto | 31/08/2021 |
Duration | 7 months 25 days |
- His Lordship was born on June 29, 1961 in a small town of Jaura, District Morena (M.P.). His Lordship graduated in Arts (Hons.) in 1982 and passed LL.B. in 1985, then completed LL.M degree from Jiwaji University, Gwalior in 1991. His Lordship is also pursuing his Ph.D. in "Medical Mal-practice in reference to the State of M.P."
- His Lordship was enrolled as an Advocate with the State Bar Council of Madhya Pradesh on November 22, 1985 and practiced in Civil, Criminal,Constitutional, Service and Tax matters in the High Court of Madhya Pradesh mainly at Gwalior Bench and Principal Seat at Jabalpur and the Supreme Court of India. His Lordship appeared before CAT regularly and various other tribunals in the State of Madhya Pradesh.
- His Lordship was also Member of M.P. State Bar Council since the year 2002 till elevation and was the Chairman of Disciplinary Committee, Gwalior Bench and worked in various other committees of M.P. State Bar Council.
- His Lordship was elevated as Additional Judge of the High Court of Madhya Pradesh on November 25, 2005 and made permanent on November 25, 2008.
- In the State of M.P. Hon’ble Chief Justice constituted various committees to assign the administrative works and responsibilities to the Hon’ble Judges. His Lordship held responsibilities in various committees as assigned by the Hon’ble Chief Justice from time to time giving details of all those is not feasible. His lordship was mainly Member, Administrative Committee No. 1 (Higher Judicial Service); Chairperson/Member, Building Committee for Building Construction and Maintenance; Chairperson/Member, Finance Committee, Chairperson, Juvenile Justice Committee, M.P. High Court for Monitoring the functioning of the Juvenile Justice issues in the State of Madhya Pradesh; Member, Committee to recommend the names of Advocates for their designation as Senior Advocate; Member of Committee which was involved in comprehensive studies and analysis on the Courts of Madhya Pradesh, Past and Present; Various other assignments as assigned by Hon'ble Chief Justice of Madhya Pradesh High Court. His Lordship was also nominated Member of Academic Council, National Law Institute University, Bhopal.
- Under the guidance of Hon’ble Juvenile Justice Committee Supreme Court and Hon’ble the Chief Justice of the High Court of M.P. his Lordship had organized three Regional Conferences on "Juvenile Justice & Capacity Building to Ensure Proper Implementation of Law Relating to Child" at Indore, Gwalior and Jabalpur on different dates, having more than 250 participants and stake holders. Further a State Level Conference on "Juvenile Justice and Capacity Building" was organized on 29.07.2017 at National Judicial Academy, Bhopal. The "4th Regional (Western) Round Table Consultation on Effective Implementation of Juvenile Justice Act, 2015 - Focus on Integrated Child Protection Scheme" was also organised under the guidance of Hon’ble the Chief Justice and under the supervision of his Lordship.
- His Lordship was invited to deliver the lecture in West Zone Regional Conference for "Enhancing the Excellence of Judicial Institutions: Challenges & Opportunities" held in association with Rajasthan High Court and National Judicial Academy, Bhopal on November 19-20, 2016. His Lordship being Chairman, Juvenile Justice Committee, High Court of M.P. participated in National Level Discussion organized by Hon'ble the Supreme Court of India on December 1st, 2018.
- His Lordship participated in National Conference on Women and Children organised by High Court of Judicature at Madras and Tamil Nadu State Judicial Academy on January 21, 2017. His Lordship was nominated by Hon’ble Chief Justice of High Court of Madhya Pradesh to participate in "World Congress on Justice For Children, 2018" organised at UNESCO House, Paris from 28-30 May, 2018. His Lordship also participated in several other conferences/meetings as nominated by Hon'ble Chief Justice of High Court of Madhya Pradesh. His Lordship has attended various conferences of National Judicial Academy, Bhopal and at various other places from time to time as assigned or nominated by Hon’ble the Chief Justice of High Court of M.P.
- As Chairman/Member of Construction and Infrastructure Committee of the High Court of Madhya Pradesh in coordination with the State Government lands have been identified and allotted for the High Court and Subordinate Courts and Judicial Academy. Identification of the land for construction of the new building of State Bar Council was also identified and allocated. The building of the District Court Indore was not constructed, though land was allotted and earmarked in the year 2000, due to various disputes. With the coordination of the State Authorities the foundation stone laying ceremony of the District Court, Indore having 154 Court rooms was organized and construction of the new building of District Court has started and is in progress. 3 His Lordship has disposed more than 65,000 cases while sitting in Indore Bench, Gwalior Bench and Principal Seat at Jabalpur and Lok Adalats held by the High Court of Madhya Pradesh from time to time.
- His Lordship was transferred as Chief Justice of Andhra Pradesh High Court and assumed office on October 07, 2019 worked till January 05, 2021. His Lordship was the First Chief Justice of newly established Andhra Pradesh High Court. During the short span of 15 months, His Lordship has disposed more than 4500 cases and the works done during the tenure are as under:-
a). His Lordship had Organized 1st A.P. State Judicial Officers’ Conference on 01.12.2019 at Dr. HH Deichmann & Dr. S. John David Auditorium, ACHARYA NAGARJUNA UNIVERSITY, GUNTUR.
b). There was no Bungalow for Chief Justice, his Lordship had identified and get completed the construction of Chief Justice Bungalow at Vijaywada Andhra Pradesh.
c). Under persuasion of his Lordship the site of High Court Guest House was also identified at Nagarjuna University Guntur, which is under construction.
d). His Lordship had taken steps for the Establishment of Gram Nyayalayas at various stations in the State of Andhra Pradesh.
e). Rules framed for establishment of Gram Nyayalaya were scripted after discussion with Rules making Committee to draft a fresh Gram Nyayalaya Rules in the State of Andhra Pradesh as per the provision of the Gram Nyayalaya Act, 2000.
f). For smooth functioning of newly established High Court of Andhra Pradesh many Committees were constituted along with various Sub-Committees.
g). Sub-Committees were constituted to prepare the draft Rules for Higher Judicial Services, Subordinate Judicial Services and for drafting all the Rules related to High Court and Sub-ordinate Courts and place the same for approval before the Rules making committees.
h). Sub-Committee consisted of two Retired Judges and one Senior Advocate for preparation of the Andhra Pradesh High Court Rules and Orders was 4 also constituted. In consultation with the Hon’ble the Chief Justice the said Sub-Committees had drafted the Rules under Article 226 of the Constitution, Writ Jurisdiction and other Rules were in progress, thereafter, it shall be placed before the Rules making Committees.
i). The Sub-Committees were also constituted to prepare the Rules of the High Court Staff, Sub-ordinate Court Staff, Contingent paid staff, High Court and Sub-ordinate Court Ministerial Staff and contingent paid staff.
j). Gender Sensitization Rules has also been prepared by the Sub-Committee which is required to be finalized by the Rules making Committee.
k). The guidelines for dealing with complaint against the Judicial Officers in Vigilance Cell were also framed. About 500 complaints of the Judicial Officers have been disposed as per those guidelines which were pending prior to one year of establishment of the High Court.
l). Departmental Appeal of the staff members of the Sub-ordinate Court were pending before the Committee, however, on amendment of the Standing Order No.113 almost all the Departmental Appeals have been decided.
m). The Rules were framed for appointment of the Law Clerks and 30 posts were created and the appointments of 22 Law Clerks were made on contract basis. Recruitment for the post of District Judge Entry Level and Civil Judge Junior Division have been made at due course of time.
n). Necessary steps were taken for recruitment of the High Court staff as well as staff in Sub-ordinate Courts due to bifurcation and establishment of new High Court of Andhra Pradesh on 01.01.2019.
o). Annual Confidential Reports of more than 2000 judicial officers were pending. The steps to complete those ACRs were taken at due course of time. Thereafter, the steps were to be taken for the purpose of grant of ACPs and super time scale to the Judges and Sub-ordinate staff.
p). Steps were taken for establishment of the Judicial Academy and the Office of the Legal Services Authority in the State of Andhra Pradesh, though, it was not materialized.
q). Safety measures were taken to ensure the wellness of the stake holders and duty staff of the High Court and to deal with the Covid-19 situation. 5 Effective steps were taken to issue various Circulars and Advisories at due course of time.
r). In the High Court of Andhra Pradesh Virtual Court was started on 25.03.2020. It was the first High Court to hear the cases by virtual mode at that time.
s). During pandemic more than 94,000 cases were heard by Hon’ble Judges during the tenure of His Lordship though the strength was only of 20 Judges. As per the e-Committee Report of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, Andhra Pradesh High Court was the second High Court which heard the highest cases during the pandemic.
t). Under the guidance of his Lordship ‘e-filing module’ was also developed for online filing of the cases in the High Court and Subordinate Courts during the COVID-19 Pandemic time and the Rules were also framed.
u). Under the guidance of his Lordship a unique feature of ‘Mobile Internet’ was adopted for the users having slow internet speed to upload the data to NJDG.
v). His Lordship had Inaugurated -AP School of Law in Vellore Institute of Technology on 10.09.2020.
w. His Lordship had digitally inaugurated two Court Buildings and one Residential Quarter simultaneously at Nellore, Punganur and Hindupur on 9th December, 2020.
x). His Lordship had delivered ‘4th Lavu Venkateswarlu Endowment Lecture’ in Siddhartha Institute of Law. - His Lordship was transferred as the Chief Justice of the High Court of Sikkim on January 06, 2021.
- His Lordship was elevated as the Judge of the Supreme Court of India on August 31, 2021.